How the Rapid Loss® Programs Work

Using Rapid Loss® meal replacement shakes is just part of the Rapid Loss® Weight Loss Program.

The Rapid Loss® Programs are easy to use and is a proven successful weight loss method for helping Australians losing weight fast and stay slim for good!

Choose the program which suits you. Each Rapid Loss® Program provides you with nutritious meals and snacks, that along with the Rapid Loss® shakes and exercise component, will see you losing an average of 2 – 3kg per week!

Our highly successful weight loss programs consist of a meal plan and exercise program that promotes long-term sustainable weight loss. The focus is on education about breaking old eating habits to create a new healthier lifestyle.

Throughout the Rapid Loss® program, real food is introduced and professional advice and support is offered. As well as the diet and weight loss tips and exclusive use of the members only website and Facebook Community.

The Rapid Loss® Weight Loss Programs are based on the concept of burning more calories (through exercise, activity and metabolism) than you consume (in food and fluid intake).

They are not restrictive diets, rather they are a ‘bridging diet’ that will take you from where you are now (large portions and craving sugars, salts and fats) and help you achieve your goal weight.

The Rapid Loss® Program is all about transforming your body and helping you create a healthy lifestyle using the ideal healthy diet (as outlined by Australian Health bodies and leading nutritionists).

This weight loss programs uses the filling Rapid Loss® shakes to help you remain fuller while teaching you to follow a healthy eating format that consists of nutritious, unprocessed foods. The diet shakes enable you to lose the weight fast, and the free education ensures you keep the weight off.

And you won’t believe how simple the programs are to follow!

More about our programs

Many people attempting to lose weight are motivated by improving the way they look, and that is great, but there are many more life-changing benefits than this and many come well before your goal weight is achieved.

  • Diabetics typically see improved insulin sensitivity.
  • Heart patients often see improvements in heart strength and efficiency, and lowering of blood pressure.
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) sufferers usually notice a lessening of symptom as well as a decrease in their risk of Metabolic Syndrome, Type 2 Diabetes, and Hypertension.
  • Aspiring mothers may see improvements in fertility. The elderly generally experience a reduction in falls and an increase in independence.

There are often also improvements in mood, self-esteem and body image.

All of this leads to a longer, healthier, more enjoyable life, and quite often a reduction in medications.

It won’t be just your life you’ll be improving either, just by adopting these healthier behaviours you have a greater chance of your children adopting the same, which means they won’t be looking at a future of poor health and low self-esteem.

It takes most people 3-7 attempts to successfully lose weight!

However, they need to find the right program. Our programs provides social support  and education, as these are essential for long term success! Of most importance, is learning how to deal with stressful situations, and learning behaviours that deal with potential issues before they arise.